We Get Big Things Done
We guide public-private collaboration to get big things done. Together, we accomplish more than any sector can on its own.
As a big city, Chicago is unique—open, welcoming and committed to community, with a long tradition of private and public sectors working together. That’s what Civic Consulting Alliance is all about. Civic Consulting Alliance is the engine of public-private sector collaboration. We do our work in concert with talent from the most respected companies in the region, pro bono, and together we drive impact that no single entity can accomplish alone.
Our clients are public sector leaders such as City Colleges of Chicago, Chicago Public Schools, Chicago Police Department, and Cook County Assessor's Office, and community partnerships like West Side United, and the Partnership for Safe and Peaceful Communities. Together, we develop and execute projects that leverage public sector vision and private sector expertise to solve our region's biggest challenges.
Our model is unique.
Total Investments
$3.6 Million + $7.2 Million = $10.8 Million
invested in the things that matter most to Chicago in FY2018
Note: Fiscal Year 2018, July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2018